By: Miriam Edelman
Press Release
WASHINGTON – Recently, DCNOW joined two more local coalitions: D.C. Local Statehood Table and Under 3 DC. DCNOW looks forward to working with many like-minded organizations.
DCNOW’s President Rose Brunache said, “I am pleased that DCNOW is now a member of two additional groups. D.C. Local Statehood Table is a meeting space for organizations that support the rights of the residents of our nation’s capital. Under 3 DC improves the lives of our city’s youngest residents, their families, and the city. There is immense strength in many organizations collaborating around issues of common interest.”
DCNOW has been active with both coalitions. On March 27, 2024, Brunache and native Washingtonian Miriam Edelman participated in Under 3 DC’s advocacy day at the Wilson Building in support of the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund (Fund). In this coalition work, DCNOW met with D.C. Councilmembers Brianne Nadeau (D-Ward 1) and Zachary Parker (Ward 5). We also hand-delivered materials to the offices of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and D.C. Councilmember Trayon White, Sr. (Ward 8). Meanwhile, additional advocacy day participants visited other D.C. Council offices.
We add our voices to those words of D.C. Council champions, reiterating our strong desire from our recent “Child Care Must Be Funded in Washington, D.C.” blog piece. It is imperative that the D.C. Council insert the Fund back into the District of Columbia’s budget. As D.C. Councilmember Nadeau posted on social media on March 20, 2024,
The Pay Equity Fund is essential: it has raised wages for thousands of hard working early childhood educators, many of whom are Black and Brown women. We must keep our promises to the District’s educators, parents, and children and protect this program in our FY25 budget.
In addition, on April 5, 2024, D.C. Councilmember Parker wrote on social media, “Cutting the Early Childhood Educator Pay Equity Fund is a non-negotiable. I continue to stand in solidarity with our educators, and I'm ready to fight.”